Yellow Dalmatian Harlequin (Hatchling)
Crested Gecko
Correlophus ciliatus
Hatchdate: 6/29/24
6 grams (1/19/25)
Traits: Yellow Dalmatian Harlequin
Feeding on various flavors of Pangea Crested Gecko Diet
Lineage Available
Crested Gecko
Correlophus ciliatus
Hatchdate: 6/29/24
6 grams (1/19/25)
Traits: Yellow Dalmatian Harlequin
Feeding on various flavors of Pangea Crested Gecko Diet
Lineage Available
Crested Gecko
Correlophus ciliatus
Hatchdate: 6/29/24
6 grams (1/19/25)
Traits: Yellow Dalmatian Harlequin
Feeding on various flavors of Pangea Crested Gecko Diet
Lineage Available